Provide services to early childhood and their caregivers in each of the selected geographical areas accompanied by the partner with whom we will participate the most important aspects of the sociocultural context of the community to which the early childhood care programs will be offered are identified. early childhood, a diagnosis will be obtained on the state of boys and girls in the area from the point of view of health, nutrition, cognitive and socio-emotional development), violence prevention and promotion of peace, as well as education.
Based on this information, programs will be designed according to each context, to ensure that they will be well accepted by the community. During their implementation, xx boys and girls will be served, and caregivers and teachers will be involved. area preschool to participate.
Each program designs materials to train caregivers, intervenes directly with children, collects data to monitor the population served, and evaluates the results obtained to transfer knowledge, procedural and material resources to the community, allowing time for provide supervision and accompaniment so that these practices survive the project and are assimilated by the community.